Sunday, June 3, 2007


As reported by my dear friend PEREZ..............

The scene: G-A-Y in London on Saturday night (june 2). Enrique Iglesias is on the stage, working the homos over.......

He opened the show with Bailamos/em>, then after two boring songs, it got a bit exciting as he was about to sing Hero.

Enrique likes to always bring a girl on stage and serenade her, but this is G-A-Y and all the queens were heated up and ready to get a piece of Mizz Igleasias.

So he asked, "Should I bring a girl or guy to the stage?"

And of course the public went mental and shouted..."Guy guy guy!!" To which Iglesias responded, "Oh shit, it is a guy then!"

Enrique started looking at the crowd and ordered the venue to turn the lights on. He looked and looked until he found this Filipino guy and invited him to the stage.

He started signing Hero and said "Let's pretend I am gay for few minutes."

Iglesias didn't have to pretend too hard during his little serenade. He hugged and kissed the lucky Filipino queen a few times!

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