Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WHOA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Touch Weekly is reporting that Britney Spears is sperminated!!!!

And music producer J.R. Rotem is the daddy, the mag claims.

On November 14, Britney Spears allegedly confided to her friends in e-mails that she was four weeks pregnant, In Touch claims.

Brit told pals that she was sure the father was J.R. Rotem, whom she's had an on/off relationship with since her split from K-Fed in 2006.

On November 16th, the mag claims Unfitney proudly e-mailed a copy of the ultrasound to her inner circle.

"She seems convinced that having another baby will turn her life around - and she believes that J.R. will make a great father," the mag reports. "She does like having a man in her life."

When asked about the pregnancy, J.R. confirmed exclusively to In Touch that Britney is carrying his child. "It's true," he says.


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