Thursday, December 20, 2007


Our friends @ are reporting:

Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor will fake bump mussies for a new movie called "I Love You Phillip Morris." It will be directed by the screenwriters of "Bad Santa." The dark comedy casts Jim Carrey as a married Texas conman who is sent to prison and falls in love with his cellmate, Phillip Morris. Jim's character tries to escape from prison four times by faking his death from AIDS, using a green pen and water to dye his prison suit to look like medical scrubs and other ways. Phillip eventually gets out of prison, but Jim's character is sentenced to 144 years for trying to get out so many. The movie is based on facts. There's the whole plot, saved you the $11. "Shooting" will begin this Spring. Watching Ewan and Jim doing gay, prison sex isn't such a bad thing I guess. Jim strikes me as someone who really wants to win an Oscar, so I was waiting for him to play someone with a disability or someone gay. Jim's totally the bottom. (Tha Mayor agrees with that sentiment.)

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